Learn to honour the season you are in

Learn to honour the season you are in

Learning to honour the season you are in.   In a world that would have you ALWAYS be so outward facing…  Can you learn to honour the “Season” you are in? Which is the true way of the feminine. Read on… There are times in our lives when...
How to show up more fully in your business.

How to show up more fully in your business.

HOW TO SHOW UP MORE FULLY IN YOUR CONSCIOUS BUSINESS. Despite what you may have been told, trying to show up more fully in your business is NOT about showing up online every day or pushing through when you don’t want to. Nor is it about doing all the things that...
Remembering this changes everything…

Remembering this changes everything…

Where are you currently giving your power away? In your life or your business… where are you giving your power away? Think about that for a second. The truth is we are magical, powerful beings Niamh but the “reality” of our world and the strength of our minds...