by NiamhAsple | Oct 21, 2024 | 5 Element Theory, Asian Medicine, Feminine Embodiment
What are you now ready to let go of? This is an article for women in their 30´s & 40´s who are ready to explore the seasonal changes of life with the question “What am I now ready to let go of?” Autumn is upon us here in the Northern Hemisphere aka...
by NiamhAsple | Sep 16, 2024 | Feminine Embodiment, Transitions and Grief
How to navigate life’s transitions with feminine grace. This is an article for all women who are moving through changes in life, business, career, relationship & fertility. Endings and beginnings are a huge part of navigating life’s challenges and...
by NiamhAsple | Jul 21, 2024 | Feminine Embodiment
Rooting into the Great Mother. This is a article for all women who has find themselves on the journey to the sacred feminine and find themselves on the MOTHER bridge, desiring to step into deeper levels of personal maturity as a woman. Who better to initiate you into...
by NiamhAsple | Apr 10, 2024 | Feminine Embodiment, Transitions and Grief
The importance of grief rituals. Are you moving through a time of grief, loss, breakup or letting go? Do you find yourself numbing the pain and sadness? With food, chocolate, alcohol, drugs, sex, shopping….. Trying to numb the pain rather than feeling it? This...
by NiamhAsple | Apr 7, 2024 | Feminine Embodiment, Transitions and Grief
Learning to Easefully Navigate Life’s Transitions. This is an article for women who are moving through a time of transition in their life and navigating the turbulence of change. Change of job, career, business, breakup, grief, loss. mid-life,...